The recent wave of protests sparked by the death of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and so many others, have been inspiring and have renewed calls to dismantle the racist systems that inflict so much harm on Black people and other marginalized people. While the protests seemed to have ignited a shift in public opinion towards finally doing what is right, the violent reaction from law enforcement to the protesters has been disturbing and yet an unsurprising aspect of the recent events. As archivists, activists, and other memory workers attempt to document these protests, it is vital to consider how protestors can be protected from further harm by police while they are taking part in actions or when information about them is found in archives at a later date. In this conversation, Documenting the Now, WITNESS, Texas After Violence Project, Blackivists, and Project STAND will discuss actions that protestors and memory workers can take and resources they can use to safely and ethically document the extreme police violence we are seeing towards protestors.