Quantum cascade lasers are a type of semiconductor laser that operate in the mid to far infrared region. Due to their unique properties, such as compact design, fast recovery gain time and operation in the infrared region , quantum cascade lasers are particularly valuable for sensing and spectroscopy applications in a wide range of industries. However, a current obstacle faced in the fabrication of QCLs is the inefficient design process of photomasks and the limitations of current software programs to solve design issues. To solve this issue, efforts are being made by various open source softwares, such as GDSfactory, to create a wider range of functions that can aid in enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of designs, compared to traditional manual efforts to create masks. To contribute further to this effort, this project will focus on the enhancement of quantum cascade lasers through the development of photomask design, aiming to improve the sensitivity and efficiency of devices, but also enhancing user experience with Klayout software. This paper specifically focuses on the automation of various functions within Klayout to further enhance the efficiency of creating complex designs. As a result of this project, various new functions have been created using Python to automate and improve the photomask design of coupled ring quantum cascade lasers. Including the ability to automate scaling, coupling, rotating and tapering of ring designs.