Our current data ecosystem leaves individuals, groups, and society
vulnerable to a wide range of harms, ranging from privacy violations to
subversion of autonomy to discrimination to erosion of trust in
institutions. In this talk, the Data Co-ops Project, a
multi-institution, multi-disciplinary effort co-led with Kobbi Nissim
will be discussed. The Project seeks to organize our understanding of
these harms and to coordinate a set of technical and legal approaches to
addressing them. In particular, recent joint work with Ayelet Gordon
and Alex Wood will be presented, wherein we argue that legal and
technical tools aimed at controlling data and addressing privacy
concerns are inherently insufficient for addressing the full range of
these harms.
Katrina Ligett is a professor in the School of Computer Science and
Engineering at the Hebrew University, where she is also the head of the
program on the Interfaces of Technology, Society, and Networks (formerly
known as Internet & Society), an elected member of the Federmann
Study for the Center of Rationality, and an affiliate of the Federmann
Cyber Security Research Center. Before joining the Hebrew University,
she was faculty in computer science and economics at Caltech. Her
primary research interests are in data privacy, algorithmic fairness,
machine learning theory, and algorithmic game theory. She received her
Ph.D. in computer science from Carnegie Mellon University in 2009 and
did her postdoc at Cornell University. She is a recipient of the NSF
CAREER award and a Microsoft Faculty Fellowship. Ligett was the co-chair
of the 2021 International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory
(ALT) and the chair of the 2021 Symposium on Foundations of Responsible
Computing (FORC). She currently serves as an advisory board member to
the Harvard University OpenDP Project, and as an associate editor at the
journals TheoretiCS and Transactions on Economics and Computation
(TEAC). She is also an executive board member of the Association for
Computing Machinery (ACM) Special Interest Group on Economics and
Computation (SIGecom) and a principal investigator in the Simons
Foundation Collaboration on the Theory of Algorithmic Fairness. Ligett
is the Princeton University Center for Information Technology Policy
(CITP) Microsoft Visiting Professor.