The solar corona is a magnetized plasma that forms the outermost region of the Sun and, surprisingly, is much hotter than the surface of the Sun itself. The corona is also the birthplace of the solar wind, a supersonic plasma ejected from and accelerated by the solar corona at speeds of over 3 million kilometers per hour. This work utilizes recent data collected by the Parker Solar Probe to investigate heating mechanisms in the near-Sun environment, with the ultimate goal of better understanding (1) how the solar corona becomes so hot, and (2) why the solar corona is accelerated to such high speeds. While the raw derived heating rates appear to agree with previous results, the derived proton contribution to the total heating rate exhibits dramatically different behavior than previous studies have indicated. While past work has suggested that the proton contribution increases with larger heliocentric distances, the addition of data from the Parker Solar Probe changes the picture. Instead, we find that the proton contribution decreases with larger heliocentric distances. This result is largely unexpected and could require us to revise our understanding of heating mechanisms in the near-Sun environment.