The phase separated CO2-fixing pyrenoid proteome determined by TurboID - Chun Sing Lau, Adam Dowle, Philipp Girr, Luke Mackinder
A chloroplast protein atlas reveals novel structures and spatial organization of biosynthetic pathways - Lianyong Wang, Weronika Patena, Kelly A. Van Baalen, Yihua Xie, Emily R. Singer, Sophia Gavrilenko, Michelle Warren-Williams, Linqu Han, Henry R. Harrigan, Linnea D. Hartz, Vivian Chen, Vinh T.N.P. Ton, Saw Kyin, Henry H. Shwe, Matthew H. Cahn, Alexandra T. Wilson, Jianping Hu, Danny J. Schnell, Claire D. McWhite, Martin C. Jonikas
Regulation of eukaryotic photosynthetic acclimation to nitrogen deprivation - Du Cao, Yulong Wang, Penghao Yang, Yuqing Yang, Wengqing Yu, Kangning Guo, Yanlei Feng, Jin Yang, Yuxin Liu, Yixuan Zhang, Xiaobo Li
Genetic compensation of triacylglycerol biosynthesis in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii - Yi-Ying Lee, Stephen M. Miller, Yantao Li
Endogenous giant viruses in field isolates of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii - Maria P Erazo-Garcia, Mohammad Moniruzzaman, Frank O Aylward
Exploring the flagella axoneme of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii as a protein synthesis platform - Jie Tian, Hongmin Qin.