My presentation uses natural language processing tools to analyze 10,000 lines of reviews of young adult novels from Goodreads. With this method, I hope to gain further insight into why people enjoy young adult literature and what factors in particular are correlated with positive feedback. Thus, I used certain python tools to compare the probability of words occurring in the reviews of books that scored a 5/5 versus a 1/5. Drawing on social science literature and personal experience, I tested various hypotheses for the factors that promote enjoyment of young adult novels - emotional stimulation, relatability, invocation of imagination, and presence of romantic content. I then looked for the presence of individual words that reflect those themes within the text. While this exploration did show disparities in certain words, it ultimately revealed that young adult novel's success can best be understood by different methods - namely ones that examine the writing style of the books, the plot of the books, or the way people summarize the plot in their reviews. Words are best understood in context.