Search for tag: "brightness"

Mexican Peso Crisis: A Case Study in Regime Switching, Sreeta Basu, UG '24 (ACE954E4)

The carry trade strategy is a well-known and time-tested investment strategy that arbitrages the difference in interest rates offered by different currencies. However, the carry trade exposes…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 2 likes 42 plays

Dumpster Diving: Thermal Imagery of Callisto Using ALMA Calibrator Data, Cole Meyer, UG '24 (14DF385C)

Thermal images at different radio wavelengths probe varying subsurface depths of cold, icy bodies like that of Callisto – the outermost of Jupiter’s four largest moons – and…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 0 likes 47 plays

DEATHSTAR: A System for Confirming Planets and Identifying False-Positive Signals in TESS Data Using Ground-Based Time-Domain Surveys, Gabrielle Ross, UG '27 (E47E8636)

DEATHSTAR is a complete Python pipeline that confirms exoplanet discoveries, and is published under Ross et al. in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society December 2023…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 3 likes 56 plays