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Department of Physics 47th Annual Donald R. Hamilton Lecture: "The Many use of Emergent Perfection in Large Quantum Systems" by Joel E. Moore

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From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 10 plays

Liberty in a Cold Climate with Niall Ferguson (1 of 2)

On February 6 and 7, 2024, the James Madison Program hosted Niall Ferguson for its annual Charles E. Test, M.D. '37 Distinguished Lecture Series. This year's two-lecture series was titled…

From  James Madison Program James Madison Program 0 likes 84 plays

Liberty in a Cold Climate with Niall Ferguson (2 of 2)

On February 6 and 7, 2024, the James Madison Program hosted Niall Ferguson for its annual Charles E. Test, M.D. '37 Distinguished Lecture Series. This year's two-lecture series was titled…

From  James Madison Program James Madison Program 0 likes 41 plays

Whose Privileges? What Immunity? A Symposium for the Sesquicentennial of the Slaughter-House Cases

On September 16, 2023, Princeton University's James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions hosted a symposium titled, "Whose Privileges? What Immunity? A Symposium for the…

From  James Madison Program James Madison Program 0 likes 49 plays

Spiritual Warrior: Celebrating the Life And Legacy of Bhakti Tirtha Swami (John E. Favors '72)

John E. Favors ’72 was an early Black student leader and co-founder of the Third World Center (which was later renamed the Carl A. Fields Center). He went on to become one of the world’s…

From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 72 plays

Silencing Alarms: Discovering How Viruses Evade Our Cellular Immune Systems, Robert LeDesma, G6 (3964620)

The cells in our body inherently possess an alarm system that can detect when an invader, such as a virus, infects the cell. Unfortunately, viruses are constantly evolving ways in which they can…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 9 likes 205 plays

Investigating Phospholipid Transport in Gram-negative Bacteria, Michael Lee, UG '22, (3964281)

Gram-negative bacteria form two biological membranes; the inner membrane encloses the cytoplasm of the bacteria while the outer membrane surrounds the inner membrane and delineates the cell from the…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 2 likes 43 plays

Robert E. Lee: A Life

Robert E. Lee is one of the most confounding figures in American history. Lee betrayed his nation in order to defend his home state and uphold the slave system he claimed to oppose. He was a traitor…

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From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 466 plays

What Does It Mean to Interpret the Constitution?

Do Supreme Court justices really just call balls and strikes, or are the Court’s decisions merely politics by another name? When we read that judges are originalists or favor a living…

From  James Madison Program James Madison Program 0 likes 206 plays

Living or Imperial? The Mutating Presidency Under a Living Constitution

Liberal scholars and politicians routinely denounce the imperial presidency—a self-aggrandizing executive that has progressively sidelined Congress. Yet the same people invariably extol the…

From  cduke 0 likes 109 plays

Living or Imperial? The Mutating Presidency Under a Living Constitution

Liberal scholars and politicians routinely denounce the imperial presidency—a self-aggrandizing executive that has progressively sidelined Congress. Yet the same people invariably extol the…

From  cduke 0 likes 10 plays

2020 Princeton University Constitution Day Lecture

Keith E. Whittington, the William Nelson Cromwell Professor of Politics at Princeton University, speaks on “Freedom of Thought and the Struggle to End Slavery.” Introduction and Q & A…

From  American American Studies 0 likes 124 plays

Molecular Biology Butler Seminar September 23rd, 2020 - Rachel Dutton UCSD

“Uncovering the biology within microbiomes using cheese” Abstract: Work in the Dutton lab leverages the experimental tractability of our model system, cheese, to discover the biological…

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From  MOL MolBio Zoom Webinar 0 likes 190 plays

Speak Freely: Why Universities Must Defend Free Speech

Speak Freely: Why Universities Must Defend Free Speech Speaker: Keith E. Whittington, William Nelson Cromwell Professor of Politics, Princeton University Princeton University April 9, 2018

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From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 116 plays

On Moderation: A Book Discussion

Public Morality and Liberal Society: The Political Thought of Harry Clor

From  cduke 0 likes 35 plays

Frontiers of Global Health - Alumni Day, February 20, 2016

Frontiers of Global Health João Biehl Jessica E. Metcalf Keith A. Wailoo Alumni Day, Princeton University February 20, 2016

From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 82 plays