Search for tag: "earthquake"
Emotional Relief a Study of International Crisis Response in Haiti, Germalysa Fendjie Ferrer, UG '22 (3964834)On January 24th through the 25th of this year, a recent United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, A service report stated there were a total of more than 30 earthquakes…
From Research Princeton Research Day
39 plays
GeoGrad Reunion 2012: Geology Today2012 GeoGrad ReunionThe Evolving Geosciences at PrincetonMonday, April 30 Friday, May 4, 2012This was Princeton Universitys first Graduate School departmental reunion. With the assistance of the…
From Geosciences The Department of Geosciences, Princeton University
36 plays
GeoGrad Reunion 2012: GeoPhysics.Today2012 GeoGrad ReunionThe Evolving Geosciences at PrincetonMonday, April 30 Friday, May 4, 2012This was Princeton Universitys first Graduate School departmental reunion. With the assistance of the…
From Geosciences The Department of Geosciences, Princeton University
26 plays