Search for tag: "holden"
Plague: From the Late Neolithic to the Black Death - Phil SlavinPlague: From the Late Neolithic to the Black Death Speaker: Phil Slavin, University of Stirling May 21, 2020 In partnership with Climate Change and History Research Initiative and with the…
From Sarah Porter
104 plays
From Healthscaping to Disease Tracing: Plague and Public Health After the Black Death - Abigail AgrestaFrom Healthscaping to Disease Tracing: Plague and Public Health After the Black Death Speaker: Abigail Agresta, George Washington University June 18, 2020 In partnership with…
From Sarah Porter
36 plays
The Justinianic Plague: Apocalypse or Overblown? - Lee Mordechai and Merle EisenbergThe Justinianic Plague: Apocalypse or Overblown? Speakers: Lee Mordechai, Hebrew University Merle Eisenberg, National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center in Annapolis June…
From Sarah Porter
43 plays
Avoiding Plague like the Plague: Some Pathogenic Context for Late Antique Pandemics - Tim NewfieldAvoiding Plague like the Plague: Some Pathogenic Context for Late Antique Pandemics Speaker: Tim Newfield, Georgetown University, Washington June 4, 2020 In…
From Sarah Porter
27 plays
The ‘Plague of Cyprian’: Sources, Problems, Origins and the ‘Crisis of the Third Century’ - Sabine HuebnerThe ‘Plague of Cyprian’: Sources, Problems, Origins and the ‘Crisis of the Third Century’ Speaker: Sabine Huebner, University of Basel May 28, 2020 In…
From Sarah Porter
201 plays
The Story of Pandemics in Scholarship and Popular Culture, 1890-2020 - Eisenberg and MordechaiThe Story of Pandemics in Scholarship and Popular Culture, 1890-2020 Speakers: Merle Eisenberg, National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center in Annapolis Lee…
From Sarah Porter
81 plays