Search for tag: "insight"
Peroxisome Regulation During Influenza A infection, Laura Haubold, UG '24 (5CEF7A66)Influenza A virus (IAV) creates a significant burden of disease in the human population every year, including millions of cases of severe illness, and hundreds of thousands of deaths. Like all…
From Research Princeton Research Day
94 plays
Buddhist Practice Theory and Animal EthicsAbstract: In this talk on Buddhism and animals I depart from the approach taken in the recent book Unfortunate Destiny on animals in Buddhism. I am not going to be analyzing ideological and…
From jlegath Legath
41 plays
Uncovering Social Pathways to Economic Mobility for West African Women in the U.S., Danielle (Dani) Samake, UG (2265866)How do immigrant and second-generation West-African women conceptualize and navigate economic and social class hierarchies in US higher education and workplace contexts? I argue that women from this…
From Research Princeton Research Day
52 plays
Characterization of Mid-Infrared Semiconductor Disordered Hyperuniform Quasi-Material Films, Mary Catherine Lorio, UG '22 (3966587)We present an experimental characterization of novel mid-infrared, semiconductor, disordered hyperuniform (DHU) quasi-material films. Using Fourier Transform-Infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy, we perform…
From Research Princeton Research Day
89 plays
The Making of the Modern Donor, Samin Rashidbeigi, G6 (3959599)My project traces the emergence of blood transfusion technology in modern Iran. Until the early 1970s, an informal market supplied hospitals with blood products. Forced by poverty, professional…
From Research Princeton Research Day
311 plays
The gut microbiome are factories of small molecules, Moamen Elmassry, Post Doc (3885983)Trillions of bacteria live in our gut. This community of microbes is called the gut microbiome. The gut microbiome is a rich source of small molecules. While the majority of gut microbiome-derived…
From Research Princeton Research Day
72 plays
"The Mask: Historical Reflections on Personal Protective Equipment, with Lessons for the COVID-19 Era" - A Class Day Lecture by Keith Wailoo, Department of HistoryThis lecture was given as part of the 2020 Class Day celebration for the Department of History. The opening remarks by Professor Keith Wailoo looked at the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic and the…
From Department of History Department
532 plays
The Dignity & Debt Network Conference - Catalyzing Action: The Social Sciences, Technology, & InnovationThe Dignity & Debt Network Conference - Catalyzing Action: The Social Sciences, Technology, & Innovation Peter Levin (Intel)
From Jeffrey Himpele
4 plays