Search for tag: "irrigation"
American Acequias: New Mexicans and National Belonging, Jacquelyn M. Davila, UG '22 (3945831)Acequias are gravity-fed irrigation ditches managed by communities of farmers called parciantes. At the turn of the seventeenth century, colonial Spanish settlers introduced acequias into the arid…
From Research Princeton Research Day
93 plays
PRD 2020 Webinar: Day 2May 6th, 2020 webinar "ENVIRONMENT". Hosted by Pascale Poussart, Director of the Office of Undergraduate Research, with welcome by Jill Dolan, Dean of the College. Presenters: Kasia…
From Pascale Poussart
136 plays
Soft Eversion Robots in Application of Minimally Invasive Subsurface Drip IrrigationCurrently, the installation of underground irrigation water lines requires a capital and labor intensive process that often includes the complete upheaval of top soil. This means that subsurface drip…
From Research Princeton Research Day
84 plays
Optimizing Irrigation Under Multiple ObjectivesIn many regions of the world, irrigation is vital to food security and agricultural productivity. Prudent management of irrigation systems and water use becomes paramount under a probable scenario of…
From Research Princeton Research Day
32 plays