Search for tag: "metabolism and responses to the environment"

Metabolism and responses to the environment B - Chair- Jose Luis Crespo

Autophagy is required to maintain cellular homeostasis upon chloroplast stress in Chlamydomonas - Samuel Gomez-Arcas, Manuel J. Mallon-Ponce, Luis G Heredia-Martinez, Timo Muhlhaus, Michael Schroda,…

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From  MOL MolBio Zoom Webinar 0 likes 62 plays

Metabolism and responses to the environment A

High‐throughput identification of novel heat tolerance genes via genome‐wide pooled mutant screens in the model green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardii - Erin M. Mattoon, William E. McHargue, Catherine…

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From  MOL MolBio Zoom Webinar 0 likes 63 plays