Search for tag: "professionals"
Undergoing, Healing From, and Treating Trauma: The Experience Of Being Both a Holocaust Survivor and a Mental Health Professional, Julie Hannah Levey, UG '24 (2268875)Man’s Search for Meaning, by Dr. Viktor Frankl, and The Choice: Embrace the Possible, by Dr. Edith Eva Eger are two Holocaust testimony narratives written by mental health professionals. While…
From Research Princeton Research Day
57 plays
"It's All in Your Head": Disparities in Colposcopy Description Between Patients and Medical Professionals, Miriam Stern, UG '22 (3965441)Historically, women have been more likely than men to have their pain dismissed by physicians as being “all in their head.” The minimization of pain experiences by the medical community…
From Research Princeton Research Day
186 plays
CITP Seminar: Ari Waldman - Industry Unbound: The Inside Story of Privacy, Data, and Corporate PowerWhy are there so many privacy laws and so many privacy professionals but no privacy on the ground? With research based on interviews with scores of tech employees and internal documents outlining…
From CI Center for Information Technology Policy
31 plays
Navigating End of Life Communication in Israel, Amital Haas, UG '21 (2310674)End of life communication is central to the work of palliative care professionals—yet such communication is hardly easy or straightforward. Drawing upon anthropological research I conducted…
From Research Princeton Research Day
82 plays
UNOW’S Teaching Philosophy_Victory Chase_CLIP“There were not established curriculums for two year olds, three year olds, four year olds. There were things that schools did, you know everyone knew the kids, the kinds of toys kids played…
From Matilda Luk
82 plays
David Keller full interview, July 16, 2019David Keller interview by Carolyn Jones, July 16, 2019. In 1972 David Keller had just finished his PhD in English Literature when he began teaching at the University NOW Day Nursery. In this…
From Matilda Luk
14 plays