Search for tag: "sharing"
To Infinity and Beyond: Fostering Collaboration and Community to Inspire Children to Create in Augmented Reality, Archika Dogra , UG '24 & Alison Lee, UG '24 (D13A9E4B)Capybara is a mobile application that empowers children to express themselves by programming their own augmented reality (AR) character in the form of a capybara. Our research extended the prototype…
From Research Princeton Research Day
173 plays
CITP Seminar Rebecca Weiss - Participatory User Data Collection and Potential Futures for Platform Accountability: The Case of Mozilla RallyAs modern life increasingly moves online, our ability to understand the impact of the Internet on society has grown critically dependent upon the…
From CI Center for Information Technology Policy
1 plays
(Episode 8) Sending Files SecurelyCheck out this 6-minute video about sending files securely at Princeton and at home. For a deeper dive into this topic, please check out our webinar: Sending Files Securely.
From Stefanie Clerkin
71 plays
Smart Cities May 2019: Solving Environmental Challenges in Smart Cities, pt. 2This is the tenth segment from a conference at Princeton University on academic “Smart Cities” research and its potential relevance to New Jersey’s urban centers. In this section, a…
From Danielia DeLorenzo
33 plays