Search for tag: "tubules"

Systems and synthetic biology and emerging topics A - Chair: Luke Mackinder

The phase separated CO2-fixing pyrenoid proteome determined by TurboID - Chun Sing Lau, Adam Dowle, Philipp Girr, Luke Mackinder A chloroplast protein atlas reveals novel structures and spatial…

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From  MOL MolBio Zoom Webinar 0 likes 49 plays

How Nature’s Tiniest Soda Could Help Feed the World: The Story of the Algal Pyrenoid, Eric Franklin, G4 (3965535)

Plants are responsible for almost everything around us. Not just as crops for us or livestock to eat, but also for the wood that makes up our houses and furniture, the cotton that we wear as clothes,…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 6 likes 313 plays