Princeton E-ffiliates Partnership enables academic and industry collaboration that enhances teacher-student-practitioner interactions and promotes technology transfer between Princeton University and its corporate partners to address global energy needs and environmental concerns.
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0 0 likes | 64 64 playsPanel Discussion – Human Factors 2.0: Revisiting the Role of Behavioral Science and Human Behavior in Energy and Environmental Policy Elke U. Weber,…
0 0 likes | 89 89 playsEnergy, Behavior, and Climate Change Speaker: Elke U. Weber Gerhard R. Andlinger Professor in Energy and the Environment; Professor of Psychology and Public Affairs,…
0 0 likes | 53 53 playsKeynote Address: New Jersey’s Evolving Energy Needs and How Utilities Can Meet Them Speaker: Ralph Izzo Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive…
0 0 likes | 63 63 playsPanel Discussion: The Energy-Water Nexus Eric Larson, Moderator Senior Research Engineer, Energy Systems Analysis Group; Andlinger Center for Energy and the…
0 0 likes | 61 61 playsTechnologies to Increase the Impact and Sustainability of Biofuels Speaker: José L. Avalos Assistant Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering and the…
0 0 likes | 93 93 playsWelcome Address Speaker: Yueh-Lin (Lynn) Loo Director, Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment; Theodora D. ’78 and William H. Walton III ’74…
0 0 likes | 48 48 playsHarvesting Energy Using Piezoelectrics Excited by Helmholtz Resonance Speaker: Tyler Van Buren Research Specialist, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace…
0 0 likes | 3 3 playsRAW files for review only - Princeton E-ffiliates Partnership Fifth Annual Meeting
0 0 likes | 26 26 playsExperimental Investigations of Hydrokinetic Turbines at Full Dynamic Similarity
0 0 likes | 21 21 playsClosed Cell Zinc Bromine Cells for Large Scale, Low Cost Energy Storage
0 0 likes | 24 24 playsBehavioral Science and the Environment: The Human Dimension
0 0 likes | 18 18 playsStructured, Science-based Environmental Policy Making: The Case of Air Pollution in Europe
0 0 likes | 24 24 playsU.S. Department of Energy 2015 Quadrennial Technology Review