Held annually, Princeton Research Day highlights scholarly and creative work by our early-career researchers. Watch the PRD Mainstage video to see this year’s award-winning videos, or browse all 2022 video entries below.
1 1 likes | 68 68 playsAstrophysics and Planetary Science have never been fields in which all people are equally welcomed. In recent years, and prompted by recent events, more and more…
7 7 likes | 314 314 playsAs a part of studying ‘collective migration’—the large scale migration of thousands of cells that is important for healing and developmental…
3 3 likes | 106 106 playsIt can be quite striking, on reflection, to consider the fact that nearly the first entire year of our lives are spent inside another human being. None of us is created…
27 27 likes | 194 194 playsApplications of remote sensing data to monitor bird migration usher a new understanding of magnitude and extent of movements across entire flyways. Millions of birds…
4 4 likes | 149 149 playsAleeza Schoenberg is a member of the Class of 2022 concentrating in psychology and earning certificates in creative writing, theater, computer science, and cognitive…
1 1 likes | 77 77 playsIn the study of Ising models on large locally tree-like graphs, in both rigorous and non-rigorous methods one is often led to understanding the so-called belief…
0 0 likes | 162 162 playsFacial recognition technology is a tool that is being used across the country by state and local law enforcement agencies. Within law enforcement, facial recognition…
1 1 likes | 157 157 playsCollective trauma emerged as a focus of scholarly inquiry with the First World War. Today, sociologists understand that collective trauma can give rise to the…
4 4 likes | 137 137 playsWhat is health? This ostensibly simple question often provokes pause in most people who attempt an answer. Although there are definitions to this question, in reality…
2 2 likes | 98 98 playsThe Russia-Ukraine crisis has spurred a new wave of refugee immigration to neighbouring European countries including Poland, Germany, and Georgia. This story is, of…
1 1 likes | 40 40 playsPart II of a film created for M.Arch Professional thesis. Film is incomplete in nature. Digital manipulation synopsis: The Symbiote Village is planned on principles of…
1 1 likes | 180 180 playsRecent advancements in machine learning have allowed for near-human or even superhuman performance in applications spanning chess-playing, protein folding, and natural…
3 3 likes | 70 70 playsAs society pushes towards industrialization and growing needs for development occur, the global demand for Ordinary Portland cement (OPC) is expected to rise…
4 4 likes | 328 328 playsCoral reefs make up some of the greatest biodiversity per unit area in the world, but many living reefs are threatened due to anthropogenic factors relating to climate…
0 0 likes | 60 60 playsWith the goal of informing local food-action planning, we developed the first county-level database detailing agrifood consumption and production across 3,114 counties…