An architecture and engineering exhibition showcasing diverse projects that address 21st-century questions of resilience in climatic, structural and urban terms. Designer and coordinator: Lydia XynogalaYangtze River Delta Project (YRDP): Guy Nordenson, Princeton University School of Architecture; Howard Stone, Princeton University, MAE and Environmental InstituteCounterpart Cities: Hong Kong and Shenzhen: Jonathan Solomon, associate dean, School of Architecture, Syracuse University; Dorothy Tang, School of Architecture, Hong Kong UniversitySlow/Soft Infrastructures: Mario Gandelsonas, Princeton University, CAUIEngineering Resilient StructuresGetting Into Shape: Sustainable Civil Infrastructure: Sigrid Adriaenssens, Princeton University, Form Finding Lab, CEEGoing with the Flow: Urban Dynamic Systems: Qianchuan Zhao, Department of Automation and TNList, Tsinghua UniversityShaking and Burning: Earthquake and Fire Resilient Buildings: Maria Garlock, Princeton University, CEENervous System for a Resilient City: Branko Glisic, Princeton University, SHM Lab, CEEConquering the Sky: Exhibition organized by Sigrid Adriaenssens, Branko Glisic and Maria Garlock
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