Search for tag: "air"
Bradford Seminar Series: "Synergies and co-benefits of a clean energy transition in China"Dr. Denise Mauzerall is the William S. Tod Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Public and International Affairs at Princeton University holding a joint appointment between the…
From Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff
4 plays
Bradford Seminar: A Pragmatic Approach to Cumulative Impacts: Coordinating Decision to Address Impacts Cumulatively (10.8.2024)Tim Barzyk is a physical scientist at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development. Over the past two decades, he has worked with dozens of community residents and…
From Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff
3 plays
OURSIP Intern - Efe ErozExploring Combustion Model Assumptions with Multicomponent Fuels Advised by:Professor Michael Mueller (MAE)
From our Undergraduate Research
11 plays
OURSIP Intern - Minh Thanh NguyenTowards Increasing Pervaporation-driven Crystal Nucleation Rates in Multiphase Microfluidics Advised by:Howard A. Stone | Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Fernando Temprano-Coleto | Andlinger…
From our Undergraduate Research
19 plays
Understanding the Backyard Bird Can Improve Aircraft Design, Hannah Wiswell, GS (2F33196F)Bioinspired design connects biology and engineering, allowing us to gain insights about a particular species while also improving structural design. Birds, for example, have provided inspiration to…
From Research Princeton Research Day
57 plays
SURF: Eavesdropping on Underwater Communications from the Air, Poorya Mollahosseini, GS (1B355730)This project investigates how an airborne node can eavesdrop on the underwater acoustic communication between submerged nodes. Conventionally, such eavesdropping has been assumed impossible as…
From Research Princeton Research Day
62 plays
Building the World's Most Accurate Low-Cost Sensor, Ximu Du (Jerry), UG '26, (2BE88C8F)Greenhouse gas emissions affect people from a variety of backgrounds, but only wealthy entities have the means to monitor their communities’ air quality with accuracy. Having a low-cost sensing…
From Research Princeton Research Day
138 plays
Safest Speaker 1: Bill BroadhurstTalk from Bill Broadhurst, Director, Campus Energy, at Greening Up the Lab: Spring Festival of Safety and Sustainability held April 17, 2024. Part of the Sa[Fest] series of events hosted by the…
From Jim Sturdivant
9 plays
Bradford Seminar: "Designing Effective Environmental and Conservation Policies: The Role of Collective Incentives"Kathleen Segerson is a Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor of Economics at the University of Connecticut. She is an environmental economist, with a strong interest in collaborative…
From Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff
2 plays
Bradford Seminar - "The Green Amendment Movement: Should We Have a Constitutional Right to a Clean Environment?"Senator Andrew Zwicker is a physicist and a member of the New Jersey Senate representing Central NJ's 16th Legislative District. He serves as Chair of the Legislative Oversight Committee,…
From Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff
0 plays
ACEE annual meeting Panel 1: "Next-Generation Technologies for Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage"Panelists will discuss emerging technologies for carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS), including direct air capture, direct ocean capture, techniques for transforming carbon emissions into…
From Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff
1 plays
Bradford Seminar: "Office of Air and Radiation - Climate, Clean Air & Environmental Justice"Bradford Seminar: Wielding the Tools of Environmental Policy: How Regulatory Rulemaking Serves the Climate, Clean Air, and Environmental Justice Agenda Speaker: Joseph Goffman, Principal Deputy…
From Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff
1 plays