Search for tag: "avenue"

In the Synagogue and Online, American Congregations Respond to COVID-19, Julie Hannah Levey, UG '24 (D94B6FBD)

Since the founding of the first Jewish congregation in North America in 1654, American synagogues have evolved substantially, often in parallel with changes occurring across the country. When the…

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From  researchday 4 likes 52 plays

Meet Charlotte Collins

Charlotte Collins is senior associate director at the Pace Center and oversees the Community House program.

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From  Pace Pace Center 0 likes 75 plays

Emily Spalding - 2020 Journalism Senior Colloquium

Emily Spalding '20 presents her certificate project, "In Richmond, Virginia, Kehinde Wiley’s Rumors Of War Tackles a Controversial History Head-On," during the Program in…

From  Margo Bresnen 0 likes 39 plays