Princeton’s Attention Judgment study aims to investigate the ability of the human brain to predict and model the attention of others. Our work is centered around the Attention Schema Theory of…
May 5th, 2023 Speaker
Kathryn T. Farrell, UG '25 and Sarah C. Kimmel, UG '24 Department
Neuroscience and Psychology
Dr. David Campbell Department
Counseling & Psychological Services, UHS
On April 10, 2018, the acclaimed Chilean artist and poet Cecilia Vicuña, the 2018 Sarah Lee Elson, Class of 1984, International Artist-in-Residence, and the Colombian composer Ricardo Gallo…
April 10th, 2018 Speaker
Cecilia Vicuna Department
Princeton Art Museum Location
Art Museum First Floor - Void
Professor Michael Graziano
Princeton University