Search for tag: "baseball"

Seeing More Pitches: Analyzing the Effect of Extended At-Bats on Offensive Production, Kaden Kram, UG '24 (8A052AA1)

At the heart of America's favorite pastime, professional baseball organizations look to build teams and develop game strategies in the pursuit of championships with the heavy influence of…

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From  Research Princeton Research Day 3 likes 32 plays


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From  PPPL Admins 0 likes 21 plays

Finding Momentum in Division One Baseball, Jason Ding, UG '25 (2770524)

There is thorough research proving the hot-hand notion, or the tendency to believe that a successful streak is likely to lead to further success, as a fallacy in sports. This research disproves the…

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From  Research Princeton Research Day 7 likes 96 plays

Pitch Tunneling in Baseball, Ben Zenker, UG '24 (2264109)

Pitch tunneling in baseball is when two pitches look the same for most of their trajectory towards home plate, but then move in opposite directions. Pitchers utilize pitch tunneling to try and fool…

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From  Research Princeton Research Day 7 likes 86 plays

Creating a Division 1 Pitch Grader Using Machine Learning, Alexander Dreger, UG '25 (2763371)

In baseball, the goal of the pitcher is to prevent runs. To do so, they must make it difficult for the batter to hit the ball. There are a variety of techniques and methods the pitcher can use to…

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From  Research Princeton Research Day 9 likes 80 plays

Reimagining Baseball Analytics using ChatGPT, Senne Michielssen, UG '25 (2771011)

Spray charts are a data visualization used in baseball to describe which area of the field hitters have historically hit the ball to. Hitters have unique hitting tendencies for various reasons (e.g.,…

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From  Research Princeton Research Day 8 likes 102 plays

Us vs. Them: Neural Responses to Rival Groups' Pleasures and Pains

Psychology graduate student Mina Cikara presents her work on human response to pain in others, with a focus on Schadenfreude, in her study of rival fan groups (Red Sox and Yankees.)

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From  Alumni Education 0 likes 205 plays