Search for tag: "beliefs"
Is a Bright Future Ahead of Us? The Perception of Large-Scale Social Progress Among South Asian Americans with Variations in Depressive Traits, Sana Asifriyaz, UG '25 (B122A141)Prior socio-psychological research has found that a belief in social progress motivates prosocial behaviors as well as emotional and behavioral well-being in individuals (Rutjens et al., 2010).…
From Research Princeton Research Day
40 plays
Collective Trauma, Identity, and Healing: An Ethnography of Neo-Hasidic Jews in English-Speaking Jerusalem, Naomi Shifrin, UG '22 (3968076)Collective trauma emerged as a focus of scholarly inquiry with the First World War. Today, sociologists understand that collective trauma can give rise to the construction of meaning and identity…
From Research Princeton Research Day
157 plays
Motivated Reasoning: facts do care about your feelings, Jeffery Chen, UG '25 (3939095)With America divided as ever, people from state governments to households have asked themselves: "Why can’t we change their minds?" In FRS 193: Belief and Ideology, I researched why…
From Research Princeton Research Day
252 plays
Hope Springs…Motivated Reasoning? An Exploration of the Interdependence of Hope and Belief as an Explanation for Why We Prescribe Overly Optimistic Beliefs, Emma Cottrill, UG '21 (2311968)Research suggests that when asked to reason about another person, people tend to say the person ought to form motivated, unrealistic, overly optimistic beliefs. Why do people say others ought to…
From Research Princeton Research Day
94 plays
Praying for a Miracle: Family Experience with Religion and Spirituality in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Sofia Pauca, UG '21 (2179410)I interviewed thirteen families of children who had previously been hospitalized in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, all of whom were Christian, as well as several physicians, nurses, and chaplains…
From Research Princeton Research Day
112 plays
Princeton Initiative 2018 - A Short History of Macro, Money, & FinancePrinceton Initiative 2018 - A Short History of Macro, Money, & Finance Speaker: Markus Brunnermeier
From Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff
321 plays