Search for tag: "prd21"
Deep Learning Antarctic Ice Dynamics, Charlie Cowen-Breen, UG '22, (2327561)Predicting where and how Antarctica is fracturing is important for understanding rising sea levels and impacts the lives of millions. Fracturing is hypothesized to occur at locations with low…
From Research Princeton Research Day
347 plays
Too Cool For (Fossil) Fuel: Producing Biofuels with a New Method, Shannon Hoffman, GS (2834703)As global temperatures rise, replacing fossil fuels with alternative energy sources has become a major initiative worldwide. Biofuels are a key source of renewable energy, which have already…
From Research Princeton Research Day
676 plays
How to Pollute a Star in Just 2 Million Years Mark Dodici, UG '22 (2986375)Last fall, I simulated asteroid orbits in the hopes of finding a new explanation for a curious phenomenon surrounding white dwarf stars. Here, I bring you through the basics of white dwarf pollution…
From Research Princeton Research Day
249 plays
Evaluating the Impact of Climate Disasters on Property Value: A Study on Hurricane Sandy, Grace Hong, UG '21, (2312439)I study the impact of Hurricane Sandy on New Jersey home prices using a difference-in-differences and triple difference regression from 2009 to 2019, incorporating storm damage, National Flood…
From Research Princeton Research Day
106 plays
Modeling Heat Transfer for a Near-Field Thermophotovoltaic Cell, Shengyuan Lu, UG '21, (2312350)Thermophotovoltaic(TPV) devices consist of a high-temperature radiator and low temperature PV cell and converts thermal heat transferred into electrical energies. Recent studies in near-field…
From Research Princeton Research Day
173 plays
“Wet markets”, COVID-19, and the wildlife trade, Bing Lin, GS, (2312272)“Wet markets” have been implicated in multiple zoonotic outbreaks, including COVID-19. They are also a conduit for legal and illegal trade in wildlife, which threatens thousands of…
From Research Princeton Research Day
240 plays
Analyzing Micromobility within the Urban Transportation Landscape, Ari Riggins, UG '23 (2312257)I had the privilege of working under the guidance of Dr. Derek A. Paley in his data-driven modeling and estimation of dynamical systems lab at the University of Maryland. For ten weeks, I explored…
From Research Princeton Research Day
86 plays
Simplifying Cloud-Based Real-Time fMRI with the Brain Imaging Data Structure, Stephen Polcyn, UG '21 (2312124)Real-time fMRI is a powerful technique that enables novel research and medical treatments by providing people real-time feedback (approximately every 2 seconds) about their brain activity. However,…
From Research Princeton Research Day
122 plays
Plastic Plastic, Yidian Liu and Nathaniel Banks, GS (2312094)Every year, 150 million tonnes of plastic leaches into the world’s oceans. The extent of oceanic plastic contamination is rapidly approaching a critical level where there will soon be more…
From Research Princeton Research Day
396 plays
Developing and Applying an SEIR Model to Evaluate US Cities’ Emergency Housing Responses to Homelessness During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Carla Dias, UG '21 (2312020)The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed some deep problems in the ways that the US handles public health issues amongst vulnerable populations. One group that has been particularly affected is the homeless…
From Research Princeton Research Day
110 plays
Hope Springs…Motivated Reasoning? An Exploration of the Interdependence of Hope and Belief as an Explanation for Why We Prescribe Overly Optimistic Beliefs, Emma Cottrill, UG '21 (2311968)Research suggests that when asked to reason about another person, people tend to say the person ought to form motivated, unrealistic, overly optimistic beliefs. Why do people say others ought to…
From Research Princeton Research Day
94 plays
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Childhood Vaccination Coverage in the United States: Assessing the Threat of Measles in the United States Following the COVID-19 Pandemic, Amanda Harris, UG '21 (2311546)Vaccination is considered one of the greatest public health achievements and has significantly reduced the morbidity and mortality associated with vaccine preventable diseases (VPDs) in the United…
From Research Princeton Research Day
75 plays
Portrait of a Powerhouse: Live-Cell Imaging to Monitor Mitochondrial Behavior, Therese C. Kichuk, GS (2311334)Just as the human body is kept alive by the functioning of its organs, individual cells are dependent on the health of subcellular structures called organelles. Often, what comes to mind when we…
From Research Princeton Research Day
332 plays
Nanoparticle Delivery of Delamanid for Cost-effective Treatment of Tuberculosis, Satya K Nayagam, UG '22 (2310833)Tuberculosis remains a major health issue in the world today with over 10 million cases a year. Delamanid (Deltyba) is a new drug for the treatment of multidrug-resistant TB that was approved in…
From Research Princeton Research Day
186 plays
Navigating End of Life Communication in Israel, Amital Haas, UG '21 (2310674)End of life communication is central to the work of palliative care professionals—yet such communication is hardly easy or straightforward. Drawing upon anthropological research I conducted…
From Research Princeton Research Day
82 plays
Lowering the Barrier for Web Advertisement Research at Scale, Kai Ji (Kevin) Feng, UG '21 (2310672)Web advertisements are essential to the day-to-day operations on the internet by providing a key channel of revenue to websites that offer content at little to no cost. However, they are also common…
From Research Princeton Research Day
76 plays