Search for tag: "characters"
OURSIP Intern - Anha KhanInvestigating Large Language Model Efficacy and Bias in Introductory Computer Science Education Advised by: Dr. Sebastian Caldas, Department of Computer Science
From our Undergraduate Research
11 plays
Ellen OhAuthor of multiple award-winning middle grade and YA novels, Ellen Oh is also a founding member of the non-profit organization We Need Diverse Books.
From Dana Sheridan
12 plays
Shouts & Murmurs: A Gendered Study of Sonic Suspensions in the 19th Century Novel, Clara McWeeny, UG '25 (2770242)When considering moments of auditory focus in the 19th century novel, rarely does one stop to consider the sonic attention paid to instances of direct speech. Readers instead find their preoccupation…
From Research Princeton Research Day
100 plays
Hope Springs…Motivated Reasoning? An Exploration of the Interdependence of Hope and Belief as an Explanation for Why We Prescribe Overly Optimistic Beliefs, Emma Cottrill, UG '21 (2311968)Research suggests that when asked to reason about another person, people tend to say the person ought to form motivated, unrealistic, overly optimistic beliefs. Why do people say others ought to…
From Research Princeton Research Day
94 plays
Beowulf and AlienGina Brandolino compares Beowulf and Alien. View the full resource page here.
From Jonathan Henry
153 plays