Search for tag: "choice"
ReMatch+ Intern - Dash Pai and Yan Zhen ZhuWithin-Respondent Alignment Between Single-Choice and Mark-All-That-Apply Survey Measures for Sexual Orientation Advised by:Professor Kristopher Velasco - Department of Sociology Christina Pao (GS)
From our Undergraduate Research
29 plays
Bradford Seminar: "Deep Uncertainty, Collective Action, and Need for Coordination in the Face of Climate Change"Climate-change related decisions have three characteristics that set them apart from other simpler choices. They (i) involve an intergenerational public good, (ii) often require collective action and…
From Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff
7 plays
Make Every Test A Right TestDeveloping A Computer Adaptive Chinese Language Placement Test This project seeks to enhance our existing Chinese language placement test through the development of an innovative computer adaptive…
From PC Princeton Center for Language Study
15 plays
Undergoing, Healing From, and Treating Trauma: The Experience Of Being Both a Holocaust Survivor and a Mental Health Professional, Julie Hannah Levey, UG '24 (2268875)Man’s Search for Meaning, by Dr. Viktor Frankl, and The Choice: Embrace the Possible, by Dr. Edith Eva Eger are two Holocaust testimony narratives written by mental health professionals. While…
From Research Princeton Research Day
57 plays
Late Ottoman Turkey in Princeton's Forgotten Maps 1883-1923Talk by Richard J. A. Talbert, History Dept. and Ancient World Mapping Center, University of North Carolina, Chapel HillWith An Introduction by Tsering Wangyal Shawa, Geographic Information Systems…
From PU Princeton University Library
74 plays
OURSIP Intern - Lenca CuturelaDifferent behavioral strategies in rats during an auditory working memory task Mentors: Dr. Carlos Brody, PNI Jess Breda, Neuroscience
From our Undergraduate Research
114 plays
Creativity Is Not All Benign: Relationships Among Neutral Creativity, Social Creativity, Benevolence, and Malevolence, Aleeza Schoenberg, UG '22 (2262596)Aleeza Schoenberg is a member of the Class of 2022 concentrating in psychology and earning certificates in creative writing, theater, computer science, and cognitive science. For her creative theses,…
From Research Princeton Research Day
149 plays
CITP Seminar: Matt Weinberg - A Crash Course on Algorithmic Mechanism DesignAlgorithmic Mechanism Design studies the design of algorithms in settings where participants have their own incentives. For example, when executing an ad auction, the auctioneer/designer wants to…
From CI Center for Information Technology Policy
21 plays