David Brown is an associate director at the Pace Center and oversees the Student Volunteers Council and community partnerships.
David Brown Department
Pace Center for Civic Engagement Location
Princeton University
Proving the Equivalence of Two Modules
November 3rd, 2020 Speaker
David Walker Department
COS Location
Princeton NJ
Reasoning about Modular Programs: Part 1: Representation Invariants
August 16th, 2020 Speaker
David Walker Department
COS Location
Princeton NJ
Ocaml Modules: Part 2: Design Choices
August 16th, 2020 Speaker
David Walker Department
COS Location
Princeton NJ
Ocamls Modules: Part 1: Simple Structures
August 16th, 2020 Speaker
David Walker Department
COS Location
Princeton NJ
Barrett Young, chief operating officer at the Rescue Mission of Trenton in Trenton, NJ, provides an overview of the organization and the many ways it seeks to serve the community.
August 15th, 2020 Speaker
Barrett Young Department
Pace Center for Civic Engagement Location
Rescue Mission of Trenton