Search for tag: "conclusion"
OURSIP Intern - Tal ShpigelStellar Tracers of Dark Matter Kinematics in GSE-Like Mergers from the IllustrisTNG Simulation Advised by:Prof. Mariangela Lisanti Dylan Folsom, Physics Departement
From our Undergraduate Research
11 plays
De-extinction as a Practical Tool for Conservation: An Ecological and Economic Argument, Sunrit Panda, UG '25 (435397B5)This paper explores the feasibility and implications of using de-extinction technology as a tool for conservation. De-extinction presents a novel approach to restoring species that have been lost to…
From Research Princeton Research Day
60 plays
Black Maternal Mortality and Morbidity: An Urgent Crisis, Abyssinia Lissanu, GS (2305516)While childbirth and pregnancy have become much safer for U.S. women on average, this does not hold true for all racial and ethnic groups. I focus on Black American women, who experience…
From Research Princeton Research Day
75 plays
FILMMAKING: Lovell Holder '09 - Producer/Writer/Director - Memorable Moments in the English Dept.Seven recent alumni, who are in the fields of law, medicine, publishing, journalism, film, theater administration, and non-profit education, returned to campus to talk about their professional…
From english English Department
75 plays