Search for tag: "dots"

Mexican Peso Crisis: A Case Study in Regime Switching, Sreeta Basu, UG '24 (ACE954E4)

The carry trade strategy is a well-known and time-tested investment strategy that arbitrages the difference in interest rates offered by different currencies. However, the carry trade exposes…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 2 likes 41 plays

Celebrate Princeton Innovation 2022: Semiconductor quantum dots, Michael Hecht

From  Innovation Innovation Communication 0 likes 16 plays

Dynamic Measure of Hyperuniformity and Nonhyperuniformity in Heterogeneous Media via the Diffusion Spreadability, Haina Wang, G4 (3960863)

Time-dependent interphase diffusion processes in multiphase heterogeneous media arise ubiquitously in physics, chemistry and biology. The recently developed concept of spreadability,…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 1 likes 33 plays

Princeton University Sinfonia: "Halloween Time"

Come warm-up for Halloween with the Princeton University Sinfonia. Additional musical treats are likely to creep onto this program...

From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 1 likes 144 plays