Synthesis of New Biphasic Transition Metal Chalcogenides for Energy Storage Advised by: Prof. Leslie Schoop, Chemistry Joseph W. Stiles, Chemistry
July 30th, 2023 Speaker
Zhiwen Wu Department
Office of Undergraduate Research
Carbon is a primary component of most present-day commodities and can be viewed as the backbone of our global economy. Carbon dioxide is considered one of the most abundant forms of carbon on earth…
April 29th, 2020 Speaker
Joshua Jack Department
Civil and Environmental Engineering
ACEE Highlight Seminar
March 28th, 2019 Speaker
Tim Donohue Department
ACEE Location
Maeder Hall
Most analyses project increased global demand for food by 50% or more by 2050 while climate stabilization strategies require no net expansion and many require hundreds of millions of hectares of…
February 25th, 2019 Speaker
Timothy Searchinger Department
C-PREE Location
300 Wallace