Search for tag: "expectancy"

Creating a Division 1 Pitch Grader Using Machine Learning, Alexander Dreger, UG '25 (2763371)

In baseball, the goal of the pitcher is to prevent runs. To do so, they must make it difficult for the batter to hit the ball. There are a variety of techniques and methods the pitcher can use to…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 9 likes 73 plays

20151120_Princeton E-ffiliates_Fabian Wagner

Structured, Science-based Environmental Policy Making: The Case of Air Pollution in Europe

From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 18 plays

Health, Wealth, and Happiness Around the World

Angus Deaton, Dwight D. Eisenhower Professor of International Affairs and Professor of Economics and International Affairs at the Woodrow Wilson School presents historical and current data on the…

From  Alumni Education 0 likes 115 plays