Search for tag: "extension"
Understanding the Backyard Bird Can Improve Aircraft Design, Hannah Wiswell, GS (2F33196F)Bioinspired design connects biology and engineering, allowing us to gain insights about a particular species while also improving structural design. Birds, for example, have provided inspiration to…
From Research Princeton Research Day
57 plays
Getting Started with LastPass - 2023(InfoSec 101) Managing passwords can be difficult, but a secure password manager can help you be more efficient by generating, remembering, organizing, and filling in your passwords. Princeton has…
From Stefanie Clerkin
91 plays
Getting Started with LastPass Password Manager(InfoSec 101) Managing passwords can be difficult, but a secure password manager can help you be more efficient by generating, remembering, organizing, and filling in your passwords. Princeton has…
From Stefanie Clerkin
73 plays
Fun and Free: Resources for Leisure and Learning from PULPresented by Jen Hunter, Librarian for Reference and Research Services and Joe Marciniak, Electronic Resources LibrarianMake the most of your summer with fun, free resources available from Princeton…
From PU Princeton University Library
38 plays