Search for tag: "figure"
ReMatch+ Intern - Dash Pai and Yan Zhen ZhuWithin-Respondent Alignment Between Single-Choice and Mark-All-That-Apply Survey Measures for Sexual Orientation Advised by:Professor Kristopher Velasco - Department of Sociology Christina Pao (GS)
From our Undergraduate Research
29 plays
The Racialized Politics of Drugs: Analyzing Racial Resentment and Cannabis Policy, Milo Richardson, UG '25 (FF7686F0)Amidst a national shift toward the acceptance of marijuana legalization, a divide emerges between the robust support for recreational marijuana legalization and the hesitant implementation of…
From Research Princeton Research Day
104 plays
Racial Bias in Predictive Modeling of Triage Scores, Alexandra Jerdee, UG '25 (07E047BB)Emergency departments in hospitals worldwide employ triage to determine the urgency of care for incoming patients. Patients are assigned a score that dictates how quickly they are seen. Properly…
From Research Princeton Research Day
32 plays
Quasiclassical Trajectory Calculations of Rate Constants Using an Ab-initio Trained Machine Learning Force Field (aML-MD), Zhiyu Shi, GS (7ACD870A)Machine learning (ML) provides a great opportunity for the construction of models with improved accuracy for classical molecular dynamics (MD). However, the accuracy of a machine learning trained…
From Research Princeton Research Day
31 plays
Exploring Medieval Jewish Art and Life through a Fifteenth-Century Italian Manuscript
From Laura Morreale
105 plays
Toni Morrison Lectures with Farah Jasmine Griffin - 03/30/23ON THE FAR SIDE: GLOBALIZATION IN MORRISON'S WORLD Held over three days March 28 – March 30th, the Toni Morrison Lectures are held bi-annually and spotlight the new and exciting work of…
From aas21 African American Studies
28 plays
Public and private transportation in Chinese cities: Impacts of population size, city wealth, urban typology, and the built environment, Xiangwen Fu, G4 (3954227)The development of urban transportation is affected by population size, city wealth, urban typology, and the built environment and has significant implications for urban sustainability. We analyze…
From Research Princeton Research Day
25 plays
Antigone of PakistanAntigone of Pakistan - Narrative Violence and the Impossibility of Homecoming
From Classics Classics SCAD
45 plays