Search for tag: "gpu"

Princeton Open Hackathon

Together with NVIDIA and OpenACC organization, Princeton University hosts an annual hackathon each summer occurring in a hybrid format.Open Hackathons are multi-day, intensive hands-on events…

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From  jdh4 Halverson 0 likes 74 plays

Introduction to GPU Computing

This video presents materials for getting started with running GPU codes on the Princeton Research Computing clusters. It also provides an introduction to writing CUDA kernels and examples of using…

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From  jdh4 Halverson 0 likes 22 plays


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From  PPPL Admins 0 likes 24 plays

Shuwen Deng 03.21.2022 Job Talk P.2

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From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 81 plays

Getting Started with the Research Computing Clusters

This workshop introduces the research computing ecosystem at Princeton: the computing clusters (Nobel, Adroit, Della, Stellar, Tiger, and Traverse), the storage systems available, and the data…

From  Andrea Rubinstein 0 likes 55 plays

Multi-GPU training with Pytorch and TensorFlow

Multi-GPU training with Pytorch and TensorFlow presented on February 24, 2022 by Jonathan Halverson

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From  Irene Kopaliani 0 likes 46 plays