Birds build diverse nest types, and this ability might be why some groups have thrived throughout their evolutionary history. Passerine birds, including the tyrant flycatchers, have managed to spread…
May 3rd, 2024 Speaker
David Ocampo, GS (CA48F7FC) Department
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
EEB 522 Seminar Series Colloquium on the Biology of Populations Presented by Peter Marra "Studying birds in the context of the full annual cycle"
February 29th, 2024 Speaker
Peter Marra Department
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Location
10 Guyot Hall
October 23rd, 2023 Speaker
Dan Liang Department
C-PREE Location
Wallace 300
September 19th, 2022 Speaker
Yiwen Zeng Department
C-PREE Location
300 Wallace
Dhikr and Living a Tawhidic Life (Sohaib Sultan)
Coral reefs make up some of the greatest biodiversity per unit area in the world, but many living reefs are threatened due to anthropogenic factors relating to climate change. Artificial coral reefs…
April 27th, 2022 Speaker
Grace K. Barbara Department
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Just over 500 million years ago, many of the animal forms recognized today suddenly appear in the geologic record. This rapid evolutionary event often is referred to as the Cambrian Explosion, and…
Ryan Manzuk, GS Department
David is Lecturer in Sustainability and the Environment at the University of Leeds. He is an interdisciplinary conservation scientist focused on uncovering how humanity can support itself at the…
February 15th, 2021 Speaker
David Williams Department
CPREE Location
Virtual - Zoom
April 4th, 2000 Speaker
Sir Martin Rees Department
The Inaugural Lectures of The Scribner Series