Search for tag: "independence"
4.12.2023 MRC Wednesday Seminar: State of Resistance: Politics, Culture, and Identity in Modern Iran A Conversation with Assal RadWhile the Iranian nation-state has long captivated the attention of our media and politics, this book examines a country that is often misunderstood and explores forgotten aspects of the debate.…
From Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff
15 plays
How Should International Society Address Questions of Self-Determination?Questions of self-determination are ever-present within the world order created by the United Nations and, if anything, they seem to be increasingly present, creating a difficult test for the…
From Jennifer Bolton
18 plays
The Collective and Democratic Right of All Peoples to Freely Determine Their Political StatusPlease join us for the next discussion in our series on Democratic Governance and the Question of Self-Determination with Daniel Turp, President of the Research Institute on Self-Determination of…
From Jennifer Bolton
16 plays
Self-Determination: Who Decides Who Decides?Please join us for the first discussion in our series on Democratic Governance and the Question of Self-Determination with Mark Tushnet, William Nelson Cromwell Professor of Law, Emeritus, on…
From Jennifer Bolton
23 plays
Judicial Independence in the English Court of Appeal: The Effects of the Constitutional Reform Act (2005), Juan José López Haddad UG '22 (2313760)After a legislative reform the process of judicial appointments in the United Kingdom was changed to include an independent appointments commission.This paper applies empirical methods to determine…
From Research Princeton Research Day
126 plays
America's Revolutionary Mind: A Moral History of the American Revolution and the Declaration That Defined ItJohn Adams once wrote that the true American Revolution was in the “minds of the American people,” and Thomas Jefferson once described the Declaration of Independence as an…
From Evelyn Behling
439 plays