Search for tag: "liquidity"
Liquidity Regime Unveiled: Integrating Liquidity Measures Through Gaussian Mixture-Driven Hidden Markov Models, Bofan Ji, UG '24 (207CEC04)Liquidity regimes are an intuitive yet elusive concept. It is easy to conceptualize how markets have periods of high liquidity, where the cost of trading is low, and periods of low liquidity, where a…
From Research Princeton Research Day
76 plays
Princeton Initiative 2018 - A Short History of Macro, Money, & FinancePrinceton Initiative 2018 - A Short History of Macro, Money, & Finance Speaker: Markus Brunnermeier
From Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff
321 plays
Shadow Banking - "Liquidity Regulation and Credit Booms: Theory and Evidence from China""Liquidity Regulation and Credit Booms: Theory and Evidence from China" Kinda Hachem, The University of Chicago Booth School of Business Discussant: Hui Chen, Massachusetts Institute of…
From Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff
119 plays
THE FED AS REGULATOR CONFERENCE PART 3Panel 2: Will It's New Strategies Succeed in Preventing Another Financial Crisis?
From gceps Griswold Center
44 plays