Search for tag: "lithium"
OURSIP Intern - Minh Thanh NguyenTowards Increasing Pervaporation-driven Crystal Nucleation Rates in Multiphase Microfluidics Advised by:Howard A. Stone | Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Fernando Temprano-Coleto | Andlinger…
From our Undergraduate Research
19 plays
Effects of Diagenesis on 𝛿⁷Li in Viki Core during Late Ordovician, Hirnantian Glaciation, Celia Murphy-Braunstein, UG '25 (DDEB2A24)This project investigates the effects of diagenesis on δ7Li in shallow-marine carbonates collected from the Viki Drill Core during the Late Ordovician, Hirnantian Glaciation. The research…
From Research Princeton Research Day
33 plays
ReMatch+ Intern - Zhiwen WuSynthesis of New Biphasic Transition Metal Chalcogenides for Energy Storage Advised by: Prof. Leslie Schoop, Chemistry Joseph W. Stiles, Chemistry
From our Undergraduate Research
25 plays
Bradford Seminar: "Projecting the Clean Tech Race: Modeling Technologies' Competition Dynamics and Implications for Policy Design"Tobias Schmidt is Associate (tenured) Professor and head of the Energy and Technology Policy Group (EPG) at ETH Zurich. He also serves as the director of Institute of Science, Technology and Policy…
From Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff
13 plays