Search for tag: "media"
CITP Conference - Tech Policy: The Next Ten YearsHighlights from the October 25, 2024 CITP conference. OverviewThis conference is for everyone who is interested in ensuring that technology has a positive impact on society. Learn about how you can…
From CI Center for Information Technology Policy
8 plays
The Forgotten Responsibilities of First Amendment Freedoms with Stephen Collis & Keith WhittingtonOn October 1, 2024, the James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions hosted Stephen Collis, Clinical Professor of Law, The University of Texas at Austin School of Law; Director,…
From James Madison Program James Madison Program
34 plays
ART100 Introduction to the History of ArtPresenting a sampling of different media from antiquity to the present, the course features guest lectures by A&A faculty and Museum staff in their areas of expertise. Different than in…
From Julie Angarone
9 plays
Rematch+ Intern - Manuel Garcia San MillanNudges Against Procrastination in Social Media Advised by:Linda Ouyang, Economics
From our Undergraduate Research
21 plays
OURSIP Intern - Ada MetaxasPredicting Thickening of the Carotid Artery in Young Adults Using DNA Methylation Measured in Childhood: The Future of Families and Child Wellbeing Cardiovascular Study Advised by: Dr. Daniel…
From our Undergraduate Research
16 plays
Emotional Manipulation in the Era of Misinformation: Investigating the Interplay of Emotions, Fake News, and Social Media Algorithms, Anjali Kapoor, UG '24 (EB8536AD)Fake news can have extremely harmful effects on society, such as increasing polarization, instilling distrust in the media and government, inciting violence, andencouraging dangerous health…
From Research Princeton Research Day
128 plays
Hypersexualizing Race: The Evolution, Perception, and Agency of Black Women in America, Mya Koffie, UG '27 (B78F387E)My research focuses on how and why societal perception of Black women in America has evolved in response to the personal agency that Black women have exercised against existing social structures.…
From Research Princeton Research Day
58 plays
Textual and Critical Analysis of a Video Game Series Through Interactive Data Visualization, Tri Giao Vu Dinh, UG '24 (DD456A5A)In this project, I combine quantitative, statistical, and algorithmic methods from different disciplines of study to perform critical analysis on the in-game textual content of the Fire Emblem video…
From Research Princeton Research Day
33 plays
MO’ MONEY MO’ PROBLEMS? How Tastemakers and Consumers Shape Value in the Streaming Music Economy, Zi Liu, UG '24 (D2736BBA)Money talks. But what is it really saying? In the mainstream music market, money has a tumultuous history, exploiting even the world’s most powerful musicians. From Prince painting the word…
From Research Princeton Research Day
62 plays