Search for tag: "membranes"
How Nature’s Tiniest Soda Could Help Feed the World: The Story of the Algal Pyrenoid, Eric Franklin, G4 (3965535)Plants are responsible for almost everything around us. Not just as crops for us or livestock to eat, but also for the wood that makes up our houses and furniture, the cotton that we wear as clothes,…
From Research Princeton Research Day
312 plays
Investigating Phospholipid Transport in Gram-negative Bacteria, Michael Lee, UG '22, (3964281)Gram-negative bacteria form two biological membranes; the inner membrane encloses the cytoplasm of the bacteria while the outer membrane surrounds the inner membrane and delineates the cell from the…
From Research Princeton Research Day
43 plays
"Water Technologies by Interface Engineering: Purification and Pollution Remediation" - Seth DarlingACEE Highlight Seminer - Seth Darling Seth Darling, of Argonne National Laboratory's Center for Nanoscale Materials, will speak on "Water Technologies by Interface Engineering:…
From Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff
48 plays