Search for tag: "metabolism"
Peroxisome Regulation During Influenza A infection, Laura Haubold, UG '24 (5CEF7A66)Influenza A virus (IAV) creates a significant burden of disease in the human population every year, including millions of cases of severe illness, and hundreds of thousands of deaths. Like all…
From Research Princeton Research Day
94 plays
Metabolism and responses to the environment B - Chair- Jose Luis CrespoAutophagy is required to maintain cellular homeostasis upon chloroplast stress in Chlamydomonas - Samuel Gomez-Arcas, Manuel J. Mallon-Ponce, Luis G Heredia-Martinez, Timo Muhlhaus, Michael Schroda,…
From MOL MolBio Zoom Webinar
62 plays
Metabolism and responses to the environment AHigh‐throughput identification of novel heat tolerance genes via genome‐wide pooled mutant screens in the model green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardii - Erin M. Mattoon, William E. McHargue, Catherine…
From MOL MolBio Zoom Webinar
62 plays
Richard H Wilhelm Lectures "Genome Engineering: A New Engineering Discipline Emerging In The 2020s?" DAY 2Bernhard Palsson is the Y.C. Fung Endowed Professor in Bioengineering, Professor of Pediatrics, and the Principal Investigator of the Systems Biology Research Group in the Department of…
From Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff
30 plays