Search for tag: "mutants"

Photosynthesis B - Chair: Jean Alric

Dynamic remodeling of photosystem I with implications in structure and function - Michael Hippler, André Vidal Meireles, Muhammad Younas, Katrin Kremer, Martin Scholz, Laura Mosebach Old…

From  MOL MolBio Zoom Webinar 0 likes 59 plays

Cilia and basal bodies B - Chair- Hongmin Qin

Analysis of SAXO proteins in Chlamydomonas - Susan K. Dutcher, Zachary Payne, Rui Zhang FLA4 encodes a conserved TPR protein that modulates anterograde IFT and promotes ciliary assembly - Damien…

From  MOL MolBio Zoom Webinar 0 likes 37 plays

Cell cycle, life cycle, and diurnal behavior - Chair- Amy Ikui

Control of DNA replication during multiple fission cycle - Amy Ikui, Gavin Duckett Cyclin control of the Chlamydomonas multiple fission cycle - Fred Cross, Masayuki Onishi, Kristi Lieberman, Yi Xuan…

From  MOL MolBio Zoom Webinar 0 likes 63 plays

Community resources - Chair: Olivier Vallon

Moving Chlamydomonas from the Lab into Industry and the Dining Room - Travis J MuffTransposable elements of Chlamydomonas: their diversity, genomic landscape and laboratory activity - Rory J.…

From  MOL MolBio Zoom Webinar 0 likes 32 plays

Chlamy 2023 Keynote Speaker 6/6/2023 - Prachee Avasthi

To Chlamy and beyond: exploring new science and new ways to pursue it.

From  MOL MolBio Zoom Webinar 0 likes 50 plays

Systems and synthetic biology and emerging topics A - Chair: Luke Mackinder

The phase separated CO2-fixing pyrenoid proteome determined by TurboID - Chun Sing Lau, Adam Dowle, Philipp Girr, Luke Mackinder A chloroplast protein atlas reveals novel structures and spatial…

From  MOL MolBio Zoom Webinar 0 likes 44 plays

Organelle biogenesis - Chair: Masayuki Onishi

Searching alpha-solenoid proteins involved in organellar gene expression - Céline Cattelin, Alexis Astatourian, Rebecca Goulancourt, Francis-André Wollman, Charles Robert, Ingrid…

From  MOL MolBio Zoom Webinar 0 likes 70 plays

Cilia and basal Bodies - Session A, Chaired by Junmin Pan

Methylation of ciliary dyneins- Miho Sakato-Antoku, Ramila S. Patel-King, Stephen M. King. The LC1 outer arm dynein light chain is required for normal motor assembly kinetics, ciliary stability and…

From  MOL MolBio Zoom Webinar 0 likes 84 plays

OURSIP Intern - Sophia Chen

Assessing Transposon Library Efficiency for In Vivo Gene Function and Essentiality Analysis in Clostridioides Difficile

From  our Undergraduate Research 1 likes 58 plays

OURSIP intern - Angelo Kayser-Browne

Summer Research Colloquium Research Summary - Understanding the Formation of the Pyrenoid, a Eukaryotic Carbon-Concentrating Organelle

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