The Annual Elizabeth M. Whelan lecture featuring Kimberley Strassel '94. The First Amendment's traditional protectors are failing, while its new gatekeepers aren't up to the task. This…
April 27th, 2022 Speaker
Kimberley Strassel Department
James Madison Program Location
The Dynamic Effects of Advertisements on Historical American Newspaper Readership and Electoral Politics.
July 27th, 2021 Speaker
Cataleya Jiang Department
Department of Mathematics
Karolen Eid '21 presents her certificate project, "Staying Afloat: The Future of Funding for Local Journalism," during the Program in Journalism's third annual Senior Colloquium. …
April 29th, 2021 Speaker
Karolen Eid Department
Program in Journalism, Humanities Council Location
Liz Hagen describes the sit-in organized by local members of the National Organization for Women at the Yankee Doodle Tap Room, which until that point in February 1970, was a men's-only…
August 1st, 2018 Speaker
Liz Hagen and Richard Anderson
Journalism as Public Service: Truth Seeking in a Hyperpartisan Age - Indira Lakshmanan