Search for tag: "nodes"
DeCenter Seminar Series: "The Data Socket - A Canonical Construct for Web 3 and the Coding to Enable It"Abstract: The success of Web 2 has relied on powerful abstractions and their realization. That of Web 3 requires the same. In Web 2, TCP/IP mimics a virtual dedicated link between nodes, while…
From Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff
4 plays
Getting Started with the Research Computing ClustersThis workshop introduces the research computing ecosystem at Princeton: the computing clusters (Nobel, Adroit, Della, Stellar, Tiger, and Traverse), the storage systems available, and the data…
From Andrea Rubinstein
55 plays
Ma, Zongming "Optimal Hypothesis Testing For Stochastic Block Models with Growing Degrees" May 14, 2018PCTS "Bridging Mathematical Optimization, Information Theory and Data Science"
From Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff
213 plays