Search for tag: "parameters"
EEB 522 Seminar Series - Fabio MachadoEEB 522 Seminar Series Colloquium on the Biology of Populations Presented by Fabio Machado "A comprehensive framework for the study of morphologicalevolution"
From EEB Media
4 plays
OURSIP Intern - Michael KostolanskyAn Analysis of Phase Separation in Short Chain Homopolymer Systems Advised by:William Jacobs - Department of Chemistry Fan Chen
From our Undergraduate Research
14 plays
Robotic Swarm Inspection for Infrastructure Monitoring, Darren Chiu, UG '23 (2265354)Robotic swarm inspection for structures offers a flexible, scalable, and cost-effective solution in comparison to human inspection such as the benefit of being resilient to individual failures,…
From Research Princeton Research Day
101 plays
The Evolution of Cooperation in Everyday Trade in Ancient Pompeii and Viking Age Scandinavia, Megan Specht, UG '23 (2272281)Many researchers have used models and equations to explain how human cooperation evolved. The current research shows that these cooperative behaviors can only spread throughout a population when…
From Research Princeton Research Day
69 plays
New Opportunities with Voice Controlled Accessibility Software: Federated Machine Learning and Linux Mobile Devices, Colton Loftus, UG '23 (2264753)For individuals with health limitations, machine learning provides a powerful way to create more useful accessibility software. Voice controlled accessibility software is one such example that allows…
From Research Princeton Research Day
53 plays
How Does ChatGPT Work? An Overview of Large Language Models (Part 1 of 3)Speakers: Ameet Deshpande and Alexander Wettig, Computer Science Department, Princeton University This presentation gives an overview of the key technologies behind ChatGPT with a discussion of…
From jdh4 Halverson
532 plays