Search for tag: "producer"

Jordan Salama - Every Day the River Changes

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From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 82 plays

Ethical Design For The Future Internet, Rolando Masís-Obando, G6 (3936699)

The future internet, or what people have recently been calling the “Metaverse” will be a more spatial, more 3D, and more immersive internet. The room for innovation in the metaverse will…

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From  Research Princeton Research Day 2 likes 85 plays

ARTS MANAGEMENT: Kelvin Dinkins, Jr. '09 - Assistant Dean, Yale School of Drama; General Manager, Yale Repertory Theatre - Why English Matters

Seven recent alumni, who are in the fields of law, medicine, publishing, journalism, film, theater administration, and non-profit education, returned to campus to talk about their professional…

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From  english English Department 0 likes 43 plays