Search for tag: "respondents"
Bradford Seminar: "Micro-Foundations of Climate Adaptation Governance in Small-Island Developing States"In recent years, there has been a proliferation of cross-national surveys measuring public attitudes about climate change impacts and solutions around the world. However, these surveys rarely include…
From Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff
3 plays
ReMatch+ Intern - Dash Pai and Yan Zhen ZhuWithin-Respondent Alignment Between Single-Choice and Mark-All-That-Apply Survey Measures for Sexual Orientation Advised by:Professor Kristopher Velasco - Department of Sociology Christina Pao (GS)
From our Undergraduate Research
29 plays
The Racialized Politics of Drugs: Analyzing Racial Resentment and Cannabis Policy, Milo Richardson, UG '25 (FF7686F0)Amidst a national shift toward the acceptance of marijuana legalization, a divide emerges between the robust support for recreational marijuana legalization and the hesitant implementation of…
From Research Princeton Research Day
104 plays
Documenting Violence: Surveying Haitian Perspectives and Experiences Amidst Governance Turmoil and Escalating Gang Violence, Gil Sander Joseph, UG '25 (716B9055)Haiti is going through a particularly tumultuous period in its recent history marked by a complex governance crisis and the expansion of geographic and political control of gangs over Haitian…
From Research Princeton Research Day
72 plays
Contested Curricula: A Study of Gender, Sexuality, and Freedoms in the Classroom, Casey Beidel, UG '24 (45C929B1)In recent years, eighteen states have adopted anti-LGBTQ+ legislation restricting course content addressing gender and sexuality, mandating that teachers inform administrators of students’…
From Research Princeton Research Day
60 plays
ReMatch+ Intern- James MoralesUnderstanding US Support for the Russian Invasion of Ukraine Advised by: Prof. Mark R. Beissinger, Politics Jacob Tucker, Politics
From our Undergraduate Research
23 plays
ReMatch+ Intern - Sarah PedersenKentuckian Thoughts on Pandemic Response and Recovery
From our Undergraduate Research
48 plays
Opening remarks - 2021 Journalism Senior ColloquiumJoe Stephens, director of the Program in Journalism and Ferris Professor of Journalism in Residence, delivers opening remarks to start the program's 2021 Senior Colloquium.
From Margo Bresnen
62 plays
CITP Seminar: Emilo Zagheni - Combining Social Media and Survey Methods for Health and Migration ResearchThis talk discusses recent developments in the use of social media platforms as a source of data, and as a tool for survey research, in order to improve our understanding of migration and population…
From CI Center for Information Technology Policy
16 plays
Closing remarks - 2020 Journalism Senior ColloquiumJoe Stephens, Ferris Professor of Journalism in Residence and director of the Program in Journalism, delivers closing remarks to conclude the program's 2020 Senior Colloquium.
From Margo Bresnen
108 plays