Search for tag: "bradford seminar series"

Bradford Seminar: "Micro-Foundations of Climate Adaptation Governance in Small-Island Developing States"

In recent years, there has been a proliferation…

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Bradford Seminar: “Science Too Important to Leave to Chance: How Activist Scientists and Policy Makers Guide the Montreal Protocol to Success”

Stratospheric ozone protects Earth against the…

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Bradford Seminar: "The social and environmental consequences of the twin energy-digital transition"

Aurélien Saussay is an Assistant Professor…

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Bradford Seminar Series: "Synergies and co-benefits of a clean energy transition in China"

Dr. Denise Mauzerall is the William S. Tod…

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Bradford Seminar: “Justice Considerations in Climate Research”

Kian Mintz-Woo, senior lecturer of philosophy at…

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Bradford Seminar Series: "Cash Transfers Reduce Climate-Induced Migration in Kenya"

Valerie Mueller received her Ph.D. in…

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Bradford Seminar Series - "Understanding Climate Change Implications for Human Welfare: Research and Policy Applications"

Frances C. Moore is an Associate Professor in the…

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Bradford Seminar: Developing A Climate Vulnerability Index for Advancing Community Level Climate Resilience

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C-PREE Bradford Seminar: ‘The Inflation Reduction Act: Triumphs, Challenges, and the Pursuit of True Environmental Justice’

Dana Johnson serves as senior director of…

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Bradford Seminar: "Designing Effective Environmental and Conservation Policies: The Role of Collective Incentives"

Kathleen Segerson is a Board of Trustees…

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Bradford Seminar "Beyond carbon in nature-based climate solutions: documenting tropical forest biodiversity loss and recovery using sounds"

Zuzana Burivalova, assistant professor at the…

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Bradford Seminar Series: "Artificial Intelligence for Climate Change Mitigation Roadmap"

David Sandalow is the Inaugural Fellow at the…

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Bradford Seminar Series: "Can Trade Policy Mitigate Climate Change"

Trade policy is often cast as a solution to the…

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C-PREE/ Bradford Seminar Series: "Small Modular Reactors And Other Nuclear Fantasies"

M.V. Ramana is the Simons Chair in Disarmament,…

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Bradford Seminar: "Deep Uncertainty, Collective Action, and Need for Coordination in the Face of Climate Change"

Climate-change related decisions have three…

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Bradford Seminar: “Planning the Mid-Transition for Just and Sustainable Decarbonization”

Dr. Grubert is a civil engineer and environmental…

From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 1 likes 5 plays