Search for tag: "things"
CITP Seminar: Parastoo Abtahi – Perceptual Manipulations in the Era of Spatial ComputingComputing is increasingly distributed and situated in the physical spaces around us, no longer bound to two-dimensional screens. Wearable devices, such as virtual reality (VR) headsets and AI-powered…
From CI Center for Information Technology Policy
0 plays
Friends of PUL Small Talk: "Joseph Scaliger, Forger: The Secret Life of the Most Learned Man in Europe’s Great Age of Learning"Tony Grafton has studied master scholar Joseph Scaliger (1540-1609) for two decades of his life. In April 2024, Grafton began to realize that Scaliger was also a forger.He faked evidence to prove…
From PU Princeton University Library
26 plays
Friends Small Talk: Lorraine Atkin "Mightier Than the Sword"Lorraine Atkin and Stan Katz discuss Atkin’s new book, “Mightier Than the Sword: How Three Obscure Treaties Sanctioned the Enslavement of Millions and the Exploitation of Continents for…
From PU Princeton University Library
8 plays